My Love Affair With Google
I've been their secret admirer for a very long time, quietly and happily Googling my brains out while everyone else was scrambling atop the DogPile and yammering on about Yahoo! But now I just can't keep my feelings inside anymore, and I don't care who knows: I love Google!
Why? Because they take me out once a month to do the Google dance (anyone who has a website that's had pages sucked into the black hole knows what I'm talking about); they give me my space (this blog) whenever I feel the need to share; they pay me good money to rent them just an itty bitty little space or two on my website (AdSense ads); and they just basically make me feel like my words are worth printing (they index my pages regularly and rank them well to reward my hard work in building a content-rich website).
What more could an infopreneur ask for? And now that Google has purchased YouTube, anybody, and I mean anybody can get out there and strut their stuff in cyberspace, in front of the whole world, and for free! How amazing is that? In the world of infopreneuring, Google is the cyber God and I'm happy to be a humble disciple.
So if you're looking to get started in the information marketing business, take it from someone who knows: Google is the almighty. I don't care what those other yahoos say!
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